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Utilization of New Technology

Digital Imaging

We utilize advanced digital imaging technology such as intraoral cameras and digital X-rays to capture detailed images of the teeth, gums, and oral structures. This allows for a more accurate assessment of dental health and facilitates clearer communication with patients about their treatment needs.

Intraoral Scanning

Instead of traditional dental impressions, we use intraoral scanners to create precise digital models of the patient's teeth and bite. This technology eliminates the need for messy impression materials and provides a more comfortable experience for the patient.

CAD/CAM Technology

With computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology, we can design and fabricate custom restorations such as crowns, bridges, and veneers in a single visit. This streamlines the treatment process and minimizes the time patients spend in the dental chair.

3D Printing

Using 3D printing technology, we can create highly personalized night guards tailored to the precise contours of your teeth and gums. This ensures a comfortable fit and optimal protection against teeth grinding (bruxism) and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Our 3D-printed night guards are crafted from biomed clear materials that provide long-lasting wear and resistance to wear and tear. You can trust that your night guard will withstand nightly use and continue to provide effective protection for your teeth and jaw. Learn more about 3D printing