Blood Pressure Check

When was the last time you had your blood pressure checked? Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a serious matter that results in complications such as stroke and kidney failure. We routinely take your blood pressure not only to ensure that you are fit for any stressful dental situation but as a service to you to have any early warning signs addressed by your physician. Mark it on your calendar to have your blood pressure checked.

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Link Between Periodontal Disease and Your Health

Heart Attack and Stroke


Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of your gums. This infection can be a mild form called gingivitis but left unchecked, does advance to more serious forms resulting in receding gums and loss of bone tissue around the teeth and tooth loss. The bacterial infection in your gum tissue easily enters the blood stream and travels to all areas of the body. Current research shows that heart attack and stroke is the result of inflammation and your body's reaction to it. Your bleeding gums when you brush is a visual sign of the inflammation and infection of gum tissue.



Periodontal disease and diabetes are a bad combination. Diabetics due to the nature of the disease are more prone to infections like periodontal disease. Infections of any type in a diabetic plays havoc with blood sugar level, resulting in uncontrolled diabetes. This is the important reason to have your periodontal infections control your diabetes.

Oral Cancer

OralCancer.jpgThe Canadian Cancer Society estimates that 4,100 new cases of oral cancer were diagnosed in Canada in 2013. It is also estimated that 1,150 of those Canadians diagnosed in 2010 will die from the disease.

This too-often fatal condition has a greater mortality rate than both breast cancer and prostate cancer. However, oral cancer can be successfully treated if caught at an early stage.

Your dentist can play an important role in the early detection of oral cancer. Dentistry is about prevention and the dental exam is the foundation of good oral health. A dentist may notice subtle changes in the mouth that a patient won’t.

The oral cancer examination performed by your dentist during a routine dental exam is fast, easy and painless – and it could save your life.

Book your dental exam today – your health will thank you for it!

What Are We Doing About It?


Our team of dental hygienists don't just do cleanings. They show you the problem areas, inform you on the steps required to improve your periodontal health and initiate a treatment plan to correct and maintain your gums to a healthy state.  We strive to maintain that healthy state by a continued maintenance program called "soft tissue management."